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Hanuman Vs Mahiravana (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip 650MB

Hanuman Vs Mahiravana (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip 650MB

Hanuman Vs Mahiravana (2018) 720p
IMDb: 8.3/10 || Size: 647MB || Language: Hindi
Genres: Animation
Director: Ezhil Vendan
Writer: Narayanan Vaidyanathan
Star: Rajesh Jolly
The quest to rescue princess Sita is coming to an end as Rama and his army of monkeys make their final push for victory against the demon king Ravana of Lanka. In the ensuing battle, Rama defeats and disarms Ravana but magnanimously spares his life. That night, Ravana unleashes his most powerful ally; his brother Mahiravana, a dark and powerful sorcerer who rules over the Underworld.

Hanuman Vs Mahiravana (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip 650MB


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Difference Between x264 Codec and x265 HEVC ?

x264 and x265 (HEVC) are video codecs, differing in their compression efficiency. x264, or H.264/AVC, is an established codec known for good video quality at reasonable bitrates, making it suitable for various applications like online streaming. In contrast, x265 (HEVC) is a newer codec offering significantly improved compression efficiency. It achieves comparable video quality at smaller file sizes or higher quality at equivalent sizes, making it ideal for ultra-high-definition content. However, this efficiency comes with increased decoding complexity, potentially requiring more computational power. The choice between x264 and x265 depends on factors such as desired quality, bandwidth, and playback device capabilities.

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